A glimpse of the future

The world is moving fast and humans tend to have everything at their fingertips. As we all know, advancement in technology has caused an adverse effect on nature in one way or the other. We’ve compiled a list of modern technology which will not only make your life easier but also preserve mother nature. Isn’t that cool? So, here are some of the ideas which will be our new and better future.

One such technology is that of renewable and rechargeable batteries. As the name suggests, these batteries can be charged, and thus there is no need to replace them. This means that you would not have to buy new cells again and again for your home appliances. These batteries are available in different shapes and sizes. They are economical too. The cost price of rechargeable batteries is more than that of their disposable counterparts. However, come to think of it, rechargeable batteries are like a one-time investment. One has to spend a little extra in the beginning and then these batteries can last for up to two years. They are low maintenance as well. By switching to these batteries, one does not have to have several different batteries. Only a couple of these would suffice for all appliances that require similar battery types. There is no reason why one should not shift to these batteries.

Moving on, in today’s world, scientists and conservationists are starting to work together to look for solutions to help the plight of endangered species around the globe. These solutions are primarily using technology to help revitalise different declining populations of animals. Using a combination of them, scientists and conservation groups are finally being able to cover some ground in this fight. Here is a promising technology that is working to help save the world’s threatened animal species.

We've got smart phones and smart meters and smart grids, and now biologists will have new "smart collars". They use GPS and accelerometer technology to track not only a wild animal's location, but also how it is moving, when it is hunting, what it is hunting - in other words, these collars can tell us its every move. Researchers hope that by knowing exactly what certain species of animals are up to, they can understand them much more thoroughly - and possibly even predict behaviour and reduce human-animal conflicts, revolutionising the way we interact with and manage wildlife. One design, produced by engineers and scientists at the University of California, is the SMART (Species Movement, Acceleration, and Radio Tracking) collar. The collar simultaneously measures the geographic location, behaviour, and physiology of the animal wearing it. Because the three-dimensional movement associated with each behaviour is unique, accelerometers in the collar create distinct “data signatures” for wolf activities such as sleeping, eating, walking, and running. Each of these features has an associated energetic cost (e.g., more calories are burned while running than sleeping), so the metabolic rate of a wolf performing each of these activities can be measured to create an energy budget for the animal.

Last but not the least: smart homes that promote a smarter lifestyle through energy-saving and green living. Although green homes are beneficial, yet not everyone is aware of them. They are eco-friendly homes highlighted with the latest technology. These homes are made to meet the needs and wants of their occupant without harming the environment. 

The beauty is in how smart homes save energy. At the core of smart green homes lies automation technology. These houses work on advanced sensors that help save energy in daily activities and employ natural waste management systems with in-built recycling methods, thus generating lesser waste. The most important benefit of these homes is that they enable us to remotely monitor and manage different appliances or components through smart devices like tablets, smartphones, or laptops. Automation technology helps make our homes energy-efficient through heat monitoring. They don't even release harmful greenhouse gases, a significant cause of air pollution and global warming. They lower our dependency on fossil fuel energy sources; they are designed to make the most out of available energy. If one factor in all of that, it is no surprise that smart homes can sometimes save up to 30-40 % of energy. And you will be glad to know that there is an ever-growing range of affordable smart home technologies.

There is an emergent need for a sustainable, energy-efficient, and low-carbon economy because the global average temperature is continuously increasing. In conclusion, we should take the right steps towards a sustainable future built through green technology. Our lives will be not only much simpler but also much more safer and fuller by it. It is important to take care of the place where we are born because we are part of it but we do not own it.  


  1. Anonymous22:28

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    お前だけじゃ 不完全なピース
    合わさって 噛み合って


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